Crostatina Hazelnut
Traditional Italian pastries filled with indulgent hazelnut and chocolate cream.
Freezer ready tortellini with cream and ham sauce for any occasion! This fresh and convenient dish is ready to eat. An indulgent Italian classic that can be prepared easily in the microwave or in the oven.
Tortellini di carne [pasta senza glutine all’uovo 67% (uova 33%, amido di mais, farina di riso, amido di tapioca modificato, albume d´uova 2%, emulsionante: mono- e digliceridi degli acidi grassi; addensante: gomma di xantano), carne suina 9%, prosciutto crudo 7,5% (carne suina, sale, conservanti: nitrito di sodio, nitrato di potassio), mortadella di suino 6,5% (carne suina, cotenna di suino, sale, destrosio, aroma, spezie, antiossidante: ascorbato di sodio; conservanti: nitrito di sodio), pangrattato 4,5% [amido di mais, farina di riso, olio di semi di girasole alto oleico, zucchero, fibre vegetali (psillio, bambù), sciroppo di riso, addensante: idrossipropilmetilcellulosa; farina di grano saraceno, farina di lenticchie, proteina di pisello, lievito, sale, aroma naturale], carne di manzo 3,1%, formaggio Grana Padano DOP 2,3% (latte, sale, caglio, lisozima da uovo), sale, noce moscata, antiossidante: estratto di rosmarino; aromi], latte scremato reidratato, panna (latte) 7,5%, prosciutto cotto 6% (carne suina, acqua, sale, amido di patate, destrosio, aglio, pepe bianco, rosmarino, antiossidante: ascorbato di sodio; conservanti: nitrito di sodio), olio di semi di girasole, burro (latte), amido di mais, farina di riso, brandy, amido di riso, fibra vegetale (psillio), farina di mais, sale, pepe. Può contenere tracce di soia.
Nutritional declaration
Energy | 713 kJ 170 kcal |
Fat | 7,4 g |
Thereof saturated fatty acids | 3,7 g |
Carbohydrates | 19 g |
Thereof sugar | 2,2 g |
Dietary fibres | 0,9 g |
Protein | 6,8 g |
Salt | 1,1 g |
8 Pieces per Carton
360 Days
Packaging material
Traditional Italian pastries filled with indulgent hazelnut and chocolate cream.
The traditional Italian pastries you've been waiting for, rich in flavour and filled with a soft and fruity apricot confiture.
210 g
Gluten free crackers as a handy snack for your guests between meals. For the hotel lobby, bar or trouser pocket.
300 g
Fresh, convenient, ready-made cannelloni filled with ricotta and spinach. Store in freezer and prepare in oven or microwave.
300 g
Gluten-free, frozen ricotta and spinach ravioli for tasty, convenient and quick preparation.
Traditional Italian pastries filled with indulgent hazelnut and chocolate cream.
The traditional Italian pastries you've been waiting for, rich in flavour and filled with a soft and fruity apricot confiture.
210 g
Gluten free crackers as a handy snack for your guests between meals. For the hotel lobby, bar or trouser pocket.
300 g
Fresh, convenient, ready-made cannelloni filled with ricotta and spinach. Store in freezer and prepare in oven or microwave.
300 g
Gluten-free, frozen ricotta and spinach ravioli for tasty, convenient and quick preparation.
Traditional Italian pastries filled with indulgent hazelnut and chocolate cream.
The traditional Italian pastries you've been waiting for, rich in flavour and filled with a soft and fruity apricot confiture.
210 g
Gluten free crackers as a handy snack for your guests between meals. For the hotel lobby, bar or trouser pocket.
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